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12.21.2012 The End Or The Begining?

I've had numerous conversations with Magdalene regarding 2012 and we've shared our ideas and thoughts about what possibly could occur this year.  In many aspects of this topic, we share very similar viewpoints.  Although I have been working on several different topics, the topic of December 2012 was of great interest for me for this long, overdue new post.

As you may have heard by now, the world is probably not going to come to an abrupt, annihalous end on December 21, 2012 as some have speculated for many years. This theory evolved from studying ancient civilizations - The Mayans in particular who are known for their precision in astronomy and the production of a calendar so precise it accounted for all sorts of solar and lunar eclipses thousands of years in the future.  In fact, there are many ancient civilizations that have mentioned December 21, 2012 as date of "change"...The Sumerians, The Aztecs, The ancient Chinese and even Nostradamus have made reference to some sort of "end" on this date.

Let's face it, there is war, hatred, suicide bombers, etc. all around us these days - Fighting in the Middle East, race wars between blacks and whites, hatred of homosexuals, hatred and wars of religion among us that involve Jews, Arabs, Muslims, Catholics.....and the list goes on and on. Could all this turmoil be leading up to the end of the world? The Third World War? A complete devastation of humanity?  While anything is possible, in my opinion, I don't think it is very probable.

The year 2012 has fascinated me for many years.  As I have grown and evolved as an individual, so have my views about life, humanity and The Universe in general.  I believe 2012 is a critical time in our history and existence.  It is not an END, but rather an extremely critical crossroad for humanity as a whole.


I look at the date December 21, 2012 as the "end" of a cycle more or less.  Break it down like this....a day starts and ends over a 24 hours cycle and then a new day begins. A week starts and ends over a 7 day/168 hours and then a new week begins.  A month starts and ends with about 30 days/720 hours and then a new month begins.  A year starts and ends....well, you get the idea.   The cycle of expansion and contraction is infinite.  The year 2012 is just that....the "end" of a specified cycle and the start of a new one. 


Humanity is in the process of moving from one cycle to another.  We are in the midst of a new beginning.  However, unlike the ending of past cycles, the end of the current cycle on December 21, 2012 bares great importance.  There are great changes taking place all around us in preparation of what is coming and humanity as a whole must make a collective decision to either move forward or be held back. 

While I do not know exactly what WILL happen or what changes WILL occur, I can only speculate.  I believe we are entering an age that includes new ways of thinking and existing.  The energy all around us is currently heightened to extreme levels.  Those of us that are in tune with these high frequencies of energy will move to the next level or dimension, while those who are not will remain on the present level and will need to fight their way through the darkness and work toward light.  Some will panic while others will embrace the new ways of life that are emerging.Energy is all around us.  Everything that IS contains energy.  We, as humans, are balls of energy....some filled with positive energy while others are filled with negative energies.  During this time of transition, all the energies around us are intensifying.  Mother Earth is sending messages every day....earthquakes, tsunami’s, extreme weather and climate conditions, etc.  Evidence is all around us that change is coming. We need to wake up.  We need to look within ourselves.  We need to find the love in our hearts for everyone and everything.  We need to expand the frequencies around us to a level of total love, cooperation and peace.  We have the potential through "collective consciousness" to transition smoothly into the new cycle of existence that is coming.  (Collective consciousness is worthy of post all by itself and I will expand upon this topic in future posts.)Please keep in mind that while these changes and shifts are starting to commence, the outcome will not be seen or felt immediately.  What IS important to remember is that WE DO HAVE THE POWER TO ALTER THE FUTURE.  How you ask???  Think of it like this....An ant colony is made up of thousands of ants.  Each ant works alone to collect food and necessities for the colony but COLLECTIVELY the are working for the benefit of the entire colony.  Most humans only think about themselves.  However, if we were to work collectively together, we have the ability to bring about change.  And this change begins in your heart.  If you are able to raise the frequency in your heart, you will have the ability to radiate love all around you no matter where you go. Humanity must begin to prepare for the shift in frequencies that are coming.  This is inevitable.  We must look within our beings, find the love within our hearts for everyone and everything - humans, animals, nature - and people around us will begin to work together in harmony.  Love is an amazing thing.  With love, we have the ability to accomplish amazing results.  Our free will enables us to create whatever we want.  All we need to do is ASK for it.  Reach out to The Universe and ask.  Mankind, together as a whole, has the amazing ability to create our future.  All we need to do is stay true to ourselves, live in the moment, laugh, enjoy life and LOVE.Just as a side note, I have been way off schedule with posts to the blog for the first half of this year.  I have a lot to talk about in the next few weeks....More on the topic of Cosmic Consciousness, The Feminine Mystique, The Magdalene Awakening, as well as elaborating further on the topic of 2012.  So please stay tuned. 

In Love and Light,


TME Team

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