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Magdalene Unveiled

Have you ever wondered what is in a name?   A name has the ability to influence a person’s character.  A name has the ability to define you as an individual.  It enables others to recognize you.  A name can be quite powerful.


Inquisitive by nature, I was very curious about how Magdalene came up with her "stage name".  In some of her interviews, she talks a little bit about this and the fact that she was very intrigued with Mary Magdalene and was compelled to learn as much about her prior to getting into the adult industry.  Wanting to know more, I had asked her about the subject and she was very happy to talk to me about Mary Magdalene and the wonderful things the woman had accomplished.  It is very interesting that many people, at the mention of Mary Magdalene's name, will immediately say "Oh, the prostitute??".    MSM clearly pointed out Mary Magdalene was NOT a prostitute.


She suggested that I watch the following DVD to get a better understanding of Mary Magdalene and said the movie would give me some insight into why she chose this name.
The name of this documentary is  "Magdalene Unveiled: The Ancient and Modern Sacred Prostitute".   Thanks to my good friend P, who shared her copy, I recently viewed the documentary and was quite fascinated by what I learned.

As I have stated before, I was born and raised as a Catholic and endured 12 years of strict catholic education AKA brainwashing.  I spent many days sitting in the Principal's office simply because I refused to believe the rhetoric I was being force-fed.  Even as a child I knew the Church was corrupt and their teachings were just so not right.


I am not going to get on my soap box (this time) and rant about the insanity of Catholic Church teachings, nor will I rant about the molestation of innocent children by Priests or so called "followers of God" who eschew evil, and walk around with their holier than though ideals and attitudes, and get away with their heinous crimes for years or maybe even a lifetime.  What I will touch upon is how the Catholic Church, with their absurd and ludicrous ideas, demoralized and demeaned women, forced Priests to become celibate, and overall condemned and repressed sexuality in general.  In other words, I guess you could say the Church played a large role in breaking the connection between sex and spirituality.  Between the Church, some parts of society, the media and advertising, sex today is viewed as a dirty act.  Women are not allowed to express their sexuality, nor allowed to enjoy the pleasure that comes along with the experience.  In many cases, women who do enjoy these pleasures are easily and quickly labeled as "whores" and/or "prostitutes". 

What I found most intriguing about this documentary was the focus on Mary Magdalene's role in relation to Jesus Christ and the speculation that she was, in fact, his wife who actually bore his child.  She was considered to be a High Priestess and/or a Sacred Prostitute who was revered by her followers.  Basically, the documentary goes on to point out that Mary Magdalene was an essential counterpart to Jesus Christ, and his work would not have been possible without MM, as a trained priestess, by his side.

So I am sure you are asking yourself, "what is a sacred prostitute?  How can there be anything spiritual about a prostitute?"  I know I asked myself that question and this fascinating documentary dives into explaining what is meant when the term "sacred prostitute" is used, more specifically in relation to MM herself.

My interpretation is pretty basic - Sacred Prostitutes are High Priestesses/Goddesses who have the ability to unify heaven,earth and nature as one.  Combine this along with their sacred spirituality, and they are able to "connect" with the Creator.  In other words, through all of their relations, in whatever form, they have the ability to "connect" to everything that IS.

Taking this one step further, Sacred Prostitutes have the ability to tap into what I will refer to as the actual "creation energy" - the energy that is used to make and create things - the energy that is needed to bring about change in one's life.  These Goddesses have freely and willingly given themselves over to and possess a clear and direct connection to The Creator/Universe.  They possess an archetypal pattern of consciousness which enables them to see/feel the deep connection between sex and spirituality.  These special women clearly understand and teach about the sacredness of sexuality.

Now is a good time to ask you a question.  Have you ever had an orgasm that was so intense, you cried?  I don't mean tears of sadness but rather tears of joy??  If you have ever been lucky enough to have experienced this extraordinary event, you might then be able to understand the work of the Sacred Prostitute.  At the moment of that intense orgasm that brought about tears of joy, everything around you is heightened.  You feel the warm blood pumping through your body; you feel the energy moving within your physical body jumping from synapse to synapse; you feel the vibration of love and light surrounding you and flowing through your actual being; your soul connects directly to The Creator/Universe.  Congratulations.  You have just experienced what is referred to as "orgasmic energy" other words, "creation energy".

This is what my interpretation is in regard to the meaning and teachings of the Sacred Prostitute.  She (or he) possesses the knowledge to bring you closer to "GOD" and connect you with all that is living and being...The Universe.  Sex and spirituality go hand in hand.  They should never have been separated as was accomplished by the Church way back when. 

Sex and sexuality are a life force energy.  They are about sharing and receiving intimacy.  It entails sharing a deep and meaningful connection with your partner through breathing, touch, gazing deep into your partners eyes, etc..  Unfortunately, many people have lost touch with this incredible experience.  Sadly, many women deny themselves orgasmic pleasure because we are taught (mainly through the Church) that "good girls don't".  We are brainwashed to worship a male god who restricts pleasure and tells us we are sinners if we do partake in such pleasurable activities.  How can that be "God's Will"?

I went online to do some research on the topic of "The Sacred Prostitute" and I found this excerpt that I would like to quote and share with you....I feel it completely wraps up the point I am trying to make....

"Without the embodiment of the Sacred Whore in every woman, society twists itself dysfunctional. Woman need to Reclaiming Female Power.  Of course, women can't flock to temples and set up camp as Holy Whores in this day and age without being arrested. But a change in the way women see themselves, and in the way men see women, would be a start. Every woman can invoke the Holy Whore into her life with pleasure. The Sacred Prostitute is a woman who has reclaimed her Self and reconnected with her will. Most importantly, she is a woman who has reclaimed the sacredness of her body.  When the Goddess residing in every woman is honored, the paradox of sacred sexuality can again manifest in our world. The Goddess is as her people act: As above, so below."

In closing, I would really like to hear your thoughts and ideas on this topic.  If you are interested in purchasing the video, you can find it on the Amazon website -  I highly recommend it.

Stay tuned for an upcoming post by Magdalene herself, explaining how and why she chose her name.

In Love & Light,
TME Team

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