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What Is The Magdalene Effect?

Welcome to my inspirational blog dedicated to exploring the personal & spiritual side of the enigmatic Magdalene St. Michaels.  I've dubbed it  simply "The Magdalene Effect".

The first time I laid eyes on Magdalene, the very first thought that went through my mind was "WHO IS THAT WOMAN"???   I can't explain it exactly but I was her undeniable physical beauty and her amazing sensuality that is completely and wickedly infectious.  Oh yeah, I would be remiss if I forgot to mention that woman can KISS!!

Doing as I do when something captures my attention, I GOOGLED Magdalene St. Michaels to see what I could find out about her.  If you're a "Magdalene Devotee" you will quickly learn there are a few sites and some videos out there dedicated exclusively to her work. (I definitely had to take a break from my "research" and watch a few of the videos.  Definitely worth the break I might add).  I also happened to listen to a wonderful interview she had done.  Magdalene talked about not only her career but got a little personal and talked about her spiritual thoughts and ideas.  As a result, she had an even more PROFOUND impact on me.  I HAD to learn more about her.......

Well, I am happy to say this blog is dedicated solely to exploring the altruistic side of Magdalene - her love for people and animals is so genuine; her thoughts and views on life are quite interesting; and her impact on those that she touchs is mind-blowing.  I can honestly say that Magdalene St. Michaels has changed my entire life.

In the coming posts, I will share my own "Magdalene Experience" and encourage all those out there to share your stories and experiences as well.  You can email me direct or feel free to leave your comments.  I would love your feedback.  Also, if there is something in particular you would like to learn about Magdalene herself, let me know and I will see what I can do to find the answers.

Thanks for joining me.  I especially look forward to getting to know all the other "Magdalene Devotees" who are out there and those yet to be....

In love and light.....

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