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Today is the one day of the year when most people take a few minutes to reflect back on the past year and look to the new year ahead.  It can be a day of reflection, resolution, happiness, sadness, or excitement.  It can also be a day of new beginnings.

For me, this day holds true to many of the emotions I just described.   One thing I have heard repeatedly this past year has been the same recurrent message - 2011 has been a very rough year....and many, including myself, are psyched to see 2012 begin.  Its a new year, a new age and a new challenge.  While many discuss the end of the Mayan Calendar on December 21, 2012 as the end of the world as we know it, I personally do not think the earth is going explode and come to a screeching hault.  LOL....However, I do believe there are changes coming.  We need to stop, take the time to reflect, push away all the daily distractions and really work hard to get in touch with The Universe and listen to her message.  Change IS coming, but only if you are willing to listen and accept it and allow it to happen naturally and let go of the urge to fight these exciting changes.  My belief is that the upcoming changes will be wonderful but only if you open your mind, release the obstacles that hold you back from accepting what is, and more or less "go with the flow".   Its important to see things for what they truly are....not what you want them to be.  Accept people for who they are....not who you want them to be.  Learn to love yourself and in doing so, you unconsciously learn to love others around you as well.  Collectively, this contributes to the wonderfulness of life that is all around us and flows through us.  It is the "light" that shines through us and among us.

For those new to The Magdalene Effect, I want to give you a brief background.  The easiest way for me to explain the reasons for starting The Magdalene Effect several months ago was to pay homage to the woman who literally saved my life.  Yes, it might sound a bit dramatic, but it is very true.  The biggest point I reflected on last night right before midnight was the fact that I might not be watching the ball drop in Times Square on the eve of 2012, had it not been for me finding Magdalene St. Michaels earlier in 2011.  What appealed to me most was not Magdalene the actress, but rather Magdalene the spiritual and beautiful person that she is on  inside and out.  I felt an instant connection the minute I saw her and knew somehow it was all going to be alright.  (That really is the clif notes version of the story....LOL) 

What I have learned is that Magdalene St. Michaels touches people in so many different ways...sexually, spiritually, intellectually, etc.   The more I learn about her, the more I realize she is multi talented and shares her special gifts with the people who's lives she touches and influences.  One of the things I hoped to accomplish with the blog will be introduced today.  I have encourages Magdalene Devotees to please share their personal stories about their own Magdalene Experience and today I am happy to be sharing the first entry under "My Magdalene Effect" which was submitted by Tammy.   I am sure you will enjoy reading about Tammy's experience as much as I did and I am very thankful for the time she took to put her thoughts together and send them to me.  I know she is very busy, but it means a great deal not only to me, but Magdalene herself.  (Click on the "My Magdalene Effect" on the menu bar located above to read Tammy's story)

Another thing I was thinking about are the upcoming AVN awards in January.  In less than a month, I am going to have the incredible opportunity to meet Magdalene in person (and YES, I am sooo PSYCHED) as well as all the other wonderful people I have come to get to know and develop friendships with.  Reflecting on this, one word comes to mind.....MAGDALENE......As I mentioned in one of my very first entries, the easiest way to describe my experience with Magdalene would be to simply equate it to the web that Alice created in the original Showtime series,  "The L Word".  You know, the web that placed Shane at the center of "the universe" and everyone and everything seemed to be connected to Shane?   In my equation, Magdalene is the center of my "web" and through her, I've met the most incredible people a woman could ever ask for.  Each individual is unique in their own way.  Each individual has their own set of challenges.  Each individual contributes something new, unique and special to my life.  Each individual, for various reasons, holds a special place in my heart.  Through Magdalene, I've made some very strong and lasting connections for which I am most grateful. 

One thing I would like to point out specifically to Magdalene is this.....although winning an award is wonderful, and it signifies success in your career and amongst your colleagues, the physicalness of the actual trophy is meaningless in the scope of life.  Once the evening is over, the "reward" fades away.  The true REWARDS in life are those which are meaningful and lasting.  Magdalene, please know you are awarded and rewarded every day .......just by being the incredibly inspiring and beautiful person (inside and out) that you truly are.   You touch lives every day.  Some stories and people you know about and some you probably won't.  It is my goal to bring these people and their stories to you.  This IS the reward that keeps on giving and lasts forever.  You are a remarkable woman and contribute so much to many people's lives.  You empower people to be who they truly are and encourage them to fight their fears and overcome whatever may be holding them back from achieving their all in life.  I think of you as my "Empowerment Warrior".  


In conclusion, I want to wish everyone a very Happy and Healthy New Year and encourage everyone to strive to be the best you can be.  Open your mind and your heart, and The Universe will guide you.  I can assure you that what I say is true.  I would not be writing and posting this entry today had I not opened up and listened.  2012 is going to be a phenomenal year with lots of great experiences ahead.  Live and Love to the fullest!

In Love and Light,

TME Team

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